Chaldean American Bar Association

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Our Mission

The Chaldean American Bar Association (CABA)’s mission is dedicated to advancing justice, excellence, and cultural integrity within the legal profession, serving as an advocate for legal advocacy and a link between the Chaldean American community and the broader legal landscape. CABA is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion, ensuring that the unique perspectives of the Chaldean American community are represented and valued in the legal field by supporting Chaldean American attorneys and law students. The association offers resources for professional development, including continuing legal education and networking opportunities, and is actively involved in advocacy and providing legal services on issues critical to the community, such as immigration and civil rights. Additionally, CABA engages in community outreach and educational initiatives to promote legal awareness and cultural preservation among Chaldean Americans. By fostering a strong network of professionals through events and collaborations, CABA creates a supportive environment that enriches both the professional and personal lives of its members, all while adhering to the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, and service to make a meaningful impact on its members, the community, and the legal profession at large.

Our Team

A short introduction to your team members and why their background should inspire potential clients’ confidence.

Rita S. Soka


Joseph A. Arabbo

Vice President

Lauren S. Azzo

Social Media Director

Brandon N. Kastow

Public Affairs Director

Lauren K. Kallabat

Events Director

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